
Still not sure if Wagner was an asshole or not, but the first 8 minutes of Lohengrin are beautiful.

Tantra Song - Tantric Painting from Rajasthan


Tantra Song: Tantric Painting from Rajasthan

“The images were discovered by French poet Franck André Jamme in 1970 while rummaging through the catalogs of a Parisian art gallery. He became so transfixed by these esoteric artworks that in the 1980s, he traveled to India to find their origins. In 1985, his quest nearly killed him in a bus accident whilst on the Tantric trail across the deserts of Rajasthan. He suffered a series of comas, spent three weeks in a Parisian hospital and six months at home in a hospital bed, and found his mind as broken as his body, unable to live with the memory of what he considered a painful failure. After a long and painful recovery, his obsession with the artworks led him back to India, where he earned the trust of tantrikas — the authentic practitioners of the Tantric tradition — and set out to better understand their meditative art form.”

“and they were so simple, so powerful, so quietly and naturally abstract, so near, as well, to my own field, which was already something like poetry. Poetry is so often like that, isn’t it? Playing with words, using words in such a natural abstract way.”

“It’s not just a desire for the antique or a nostalgic patina that makes the incidental marks so important, it’s precisely that ideal forms — forms plumbed from the depths of the mind, of the soul — need to co-exist with randomness and the emptiness of chance.”

“Aesthetically breathtaking and framed in a powerful story about curiosity, creative restlessness, and obsession, Tantra Song is a singular convergence of east and west, the spiritual and the aesthetic, the ancient and the modern bound to mesmerize.”

”..a bit as if, here, man’s genius had been able to assemble almost everything in almost nothing.”

via ! & here




Crowds gathered outside a theater for the Brazilian premiere of Walt Disney’s “Fantasia.” Photograph by Hart Preston. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1941.